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How Mastery Based Assessment Can Dramatically Improve Your Math Class

student demonstrating understanding with mastery based assessment

As a math teacher, you know how important it is to assess your students’ knowledge and skills. But traditional assessment methods such as tests and quizzes have their limits. That’s why more and more teachers are turning to mastery based learning and assessment—an approach that rewards students for the progress they make over time, rather than the amount of information they can cram into their heads in a single sitting. If that sounds up your alley, read on to check out these reasons to consider using mastery based assessment in your math class.

Generic rubric for mastery based assessment

What is Mastery Based Assessment?

Mastery based assessment (MBA) is a way to evaluate student performance that focuses on the progress each student has made over time in mastering specific content areas or skills. Rather than giving one big test at the end of the unit or course, mastery based learning and assessment allows teachers to give consistent feedback based on individual student goals and objectives. This makes it easier for teachers to identify where each student needs additional help and create personalized learning plans accordingly. It also encourages students to focus on long-term growth instead of trying to “cram” for a single test. Mastery based learning works hand in hand with developing a growth mindset.


Benefits of Using MBA in Math Class

mastery based assessment in math classOne major benefit of using MBA in math class is that it allows teachers to measure not just what students know, but how they think mathematically. Instead of simply assessing whether or not students can quickly recall facts, mastery based assessment gives teachers insight into how well students understand mathematical concepts and make connections between different ideas. This helps teachers better identify areas where individual students need additional support–which can be especially helpful when teaching more abstract topics such as algebra or calculus.

Developing Growth Mindset through Mastery Based Assessment

In addition, shifting the focus to recognizing the incremental progress on skills through multiple points throughout the course, MBA creates an environment where mistakes are seen as part of the learning process rather than something shameful or embarrassing—which can be especially beneficial for struggling learners who may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of taking a single high-stakes test at the end of the year.  Most teachers know this as focusing on developing a growth mindset with our students. Finally, because MBA emphasizes long-term growth instead of short-term memorization, it encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning instead of relying solely on instruction from their teacher. 

Why use Mastery Based Assessment in Math?

Overall, mastery-based assessment can be a powerful tool in your math classroom. By shifting away from traditional testing methods and focusing on long-term progress instead, MBA helps teachers identify where each student needs help and create customized learning plans accordingly—all while creating the safe welcoming atmosphere where mistakes are seen as part of the learning process and students can truly develop a growth mindset. If you’re looking for ways to improve your math teaching practice, mastery based assessment could be just what you need!




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I’m a long time math teacher who believes that all students can grow in their confidence and capabilities in the mathematics classroom when you take a modern approach.

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