I am so glad you're here to join me on this journey to modernize your mathematics classroom!

I've been in your shoes...

Math class was all about the skills & the scores

Like many of the teachers I work with, I was taught in an era in which mathematics classrooms were all about the procedural skills and the scores on the big test…

So why would we expect to teach it any differently?

When I first started learning how to teach, I was teaching from a script. Seriously. I had a curriculum guide and a pacing calendar that told me exactly which section to teach and what problems to assign each day. I even had a powerpoint telling me exactly what to say and when to say it. I didn’t even have to think through the example problems for myself, the solution was completely worked out for me.  It felt like anyone could have been teaching the class. The goal was simply to dispense the information and have the students practice the skills. Each class was exactly the same. 

And I knew it had to be better....


What if we focused on problem solving instead?

When I ventured out to find my ideal teaching position, I knew that I would never be satisfied with teaching from a script and focusing on procedures.

I had to teach that math was MORE than just solving for x.

I knew I had found my perfect fit when I was hired by a brand new start up charter school that focused on helping students find relevancy in their education through implementing project based learning. It couldn’t have been a more fitting position! Finally, I was going to design the classroom experiences my students needed to see how mathematics fit into their real life.

I was able to empower my students to grow in their confidence and capabilities through designing projects that tackled real world problems and simulated the way mathematical problem solving is utilized outside of the classroom walls. 

They knew the answer to when am I ever going to need this?

Now I want better for You too!

Transform Your Math Class

When you know better, you do better. You know that focusing on procedural skills isn’t going to help our students develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills that are so valuable outside of the classroom. 

So let’s do something about it.

No matter where you are at on your math teacher journey, I want to support you as you transform your math class and take on a modern approach to teaching this timeless topic. Whether you want to just read about and learn from my experiences, snag a few ready to go resources to use right away, or work with me to support you in making this smooth transition, I’m here for you.  And I’ll always be here for you, ready to help you teach students that Math is Moore than Just  X




Want to know if the Modern Math approach is right for you?

Jump in on the action! Explore my blog to see how I’ve grown and transformed my own teaching practice and engaged my students in my own modern mathematics classroom. 


Ready to jump in and get started creating your own Modern Math Classroom?

Get started  with your own modern math classroom right away.  Check the shop to get your hands on some of the resources I’ve created to transform your classroom today!



Looking for a little additional support in transforming your practice?

Sign up to work with me individually or join our group and collaborate with other math educators working to transform their math classrooms and take on a modern approach!

Want to get started right away?

Grab your free copy of the Gold Standard Project Planner and begin crafting killer project-based learning experiences for your students today!